Useful Drupal modules

Click on the module name for notes, comments, patches.
Recommendations (for and against) are my personal opinion only and may be out of date. Feel free to email with corrections/suggestions.

Why doesn't the table mention Drupal 9 or 10?

1. Nowadays, I try and use Drupal as little as possible. Specifically I do not recommend it for a new website. I'd also strongly caution you against choosing Drupal if you're at the beginning of your career and trying to learn web development (front / back / full stack) or just want to manage/maintain a website. More details why by email on request.

2. By February 2022 I'd updated all the sites I look after to Drupal 9 (experience: mixed). As of March 2023, a year later, none of them were fully ready for Drupal 10 (waiting on support for various modules). By 13 Nov 2023 (a week or two after D9 lost support) I had updated a couple of them.

Q: What's the Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade experience like? A: it's what I'd describe as "just bearable", slightly better than D8 to D9, though with plenty of things to still trip you up. There is still deprecated code that needs fixing in D10 modules, and policy changes mean odd things will break (be prepared to turn off Aggregate CSS/JS files if your themes stop working, and note that Drush launcher doesn't work with Drush 12...)

Admittedly the upgrade_status module is the best solution they could have come up with for tracking compatibility. Also watch out for a nasty session headers bug with redirect_after_login.

What about sites still running Drupal 7? In short I still recommend leaving them on Drupal 7 or moving to another platform entirely. My prediction was that Drupal will extend D7 support year after year (note that itself is still running D7). It's now been confirmed as 5 Jan 2025. There will have to be some sort of third-party long term support, because of the sheer volume of sites that are not being upgraded.

Your decision is really what specifically you think you will gain from Drupal 8/9/10 - often the answer will be not enough, and one of the main hassles - apart from converting each content type one at a time, and setting up a new theme, will be recreating all your views by hand, as views can't be automatically upgraded.

(134 modules in list)
Module name or machine name
Any text in the notes
Name D8 Sort ascending Personally Tested Last Updated
Refreshless (refreshless)

d.o. page

Only loads the parts of page that change when navigating between pages.

Unclear if still being maintained (no updates since Sep 2016) - part of the issue is it requires a core patch.

Telephone (telephone)

d.o. page

Telephone number field type.  This is in core, but you need to enable it.

Field Permissions (field_permissions)

d.o. page


Control editing/visibility of individual fields by role.  

As well as custom settings ('create own', 'edit own', 'view own', 'edit any' and 'view any' - all per role), there's a Private setting which gives access to the author and administrator only. 

These are automatically applied to views.

Finding the setting: Look for  Field visibility and permissions – on the Edit tab, NOT Field Settings.

In /admin/people/permissions there's also a Access other users private fields permission.

Bamboo Twig (bamboo_twig)

d.o. page

Way to embed lots of objects in twig. note you have to selectively enable various sub modules for each of the commands.  Seems pretty actively developed and well documented.

ClamAV (clamav)

d.o. page


Virus check files uploaded by users.

In Drupal - when it can't connect you get an error on the Status Report.
The status report also shows you the version which includes the virus signature info.
As soon as it can that error goes away.

There's a "verbose" option in the config settings (which logs files that "passed" the virus check as well as failed)

You need to tick 'Enable ClamAV integration' before it will actually scan any files.

Test it's working by creating a small file with the short Eicar test signature string

Notes: ClamAV does use a fair bit of memory (because it keeps a copy of all the virus signatures)

Also sensible to run a Nagios NRPE check to ensure ClamAV is always running.


Requires core patch to avoid possible data loss (race condition) - use my rerolled patch (#35) 

Menu Token (menu_token)

d.o. page

Add tokens, such as a user ID, to text or URL paths of menu items. 

Be wary of this issue: Current-user:uid not correct

CKEditor Wordcount (ckwordcount)

d.o. page

Adds word/character/paragraph count to the CKEditor status bar (can optionally enforce a word/character limit)

Configured via Text formats and Editors (/admin/config/content/formats).

Requires the ckeditor wordcount library - example composer.json for that (put this in your 'repositories' section):

        "ckeditor.wordcount": {
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "ckeditor/wordcount",
                "version": "1.17.4",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "extra": {
                    "installer-name": "wordcount"
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
                "require": {
                    "composer/installers": "~1.0"

and then require:

"ckeditor/wordcount": "1.17.4",

Patch needed:

(to ensure modules gives browser correct path of plugin.js - if your ckeditor input disappears, check console.log and it's probably that)

The notification module is a dependency.

Save edit (save_edit)

d.o. page


Add a save and edit button

  • Needed(?) patchto ignore the ?destination=querystring on admin page. 
  • Integrated dropbutton doesn't seem to style correctly, turn this off.
AudioField (audiofield)

d.o. page


This is a formatter, available on node display or in views.

It turns a uploaded file or an external URL into an HTML5 audio player. Also supports various other JS player libraries which you can download. You can turn lazy-loading of the file on or off.

Note: there is a default label added below the player, which is either the URL field description or actual address, if the former is missing. Override the audioplayer.html.twig template to remove this.

TagCloud (tagclouds)

d.o. page

Provides a block with a tag cloud of chosen taxonomy term. Works but a bit buggy, e.g. UI taxonomy setting reverts to 'tags'.  Requires clearing the cache to update (including changing any settings).  Choice of numbers after each tag to indicate quality, or 'wordcloud' style with varying sizes (will need you to modify your CSS to add some spacing between words). 

Trash (trash)

d.o. page

Adds a trash bin for all content, so you may later restore (or permanently delete) it.  Depends on Content Moderation module.  Alpha in D8.

Advanced Page Expiration (ape)

d.o. page

Not recommended

I would avoid this.  The idea is you enter URL paths with wildcards and override the cache expiration.  I was unable to get it to work properly for pages (settings on config under Development > Performance) Also, re: caching images, those are files being served directly by Apache or Nginx, not via the Drupal front-controller, so caching settings need to be configured there.

Views Secondary Row (views_secondary_row)

d.o. page


For Views that use Table format. Adds a row underneath each record - you change the format from 'table' to the 'secondary row' option, you get an extra select dropdown in the table *settings*, and you can also specify colspan.  This does mean the label will be missing by default (you won't have a column header any more) - so you need to edit the field and tick rewrite output, and then specify your desired label, followed by the field value in Twig.

Views exposed form layout (vefl)

d.o. page

Not recommended

Layouts for exposed filters - i.e. you can move each filter into a region (supports Panels and Display Suite).

When I tried this (Summer 2018) the D8 branch wasn't really there yet - you could only rearrange the basic filter components in D8 (like search term, submit button, reset button), not all the extra ones you've added.   I went with using CSS (e.g. clear: both) instead.

Honeypot (honeypot)

d.o. page


Adds spam prevention to forms (you can select which, including user registration and contact).

Recommended settings:

- turn logging on (look for entries of type = honeypot in /admin/reports/dblog
- if using time limit - i.e the minimum amount of time form is expected to be on screen before module things it's a real person, not a bot, suggest 5 seconds rather than 10 (too agressive when using browser autocomplete for, for example, email address on password reminder form)

Ngrok for drupal (ngrok_drupal)

d.o. page

Sets the cookie domain correctly if you're using ngrok.

Use this if you have an Ngrok secure tunnel - e.g. if you are testing a Stripe Apple Pay integration (needs to run with a valid, publicly accessible SSH domain)

Redirect after login (redirect_after_login)

d.o. page


Sends users (depending on their role) to another page, rather than their profile, immediately after logging in.

There's a bug (patch available, fortunately) with this which will break session cookies in Drupal 9, and upgrade_status doesn't warn you about it. 

Exclude Node Title (exclude_node_title)

d.o. page

There are situations where you will want to hide a node title - e.g. if you have a view and insert an image field that's an entity reference to another content type.  Module allows you to hide titles by content type or view mode and for all nodes or just a custom selection.  Beta in D8.

Twig Xdebug (twig_xdebug)

d.o. page

Use Xdebug breakpoints in Twig templates - {{ breakpoint() }}

Redirect (redirect)

d.o. page


Add redirects, including specifying from the full range of HTTP codes (e.g 307 Temporary).  Won't let you redirect from the homepage, use Config > Basic Site Settings for that.

Webform (webform)

d.o. page


One of the best maintained contrib modules.  Main benefits: nicely presented forms with powerful conditional logic, YAML configuration, flexible user permissions, very clean data storage, secure.  Codebase is also very much written "the Drupal way".

I'm currently using this patch to avoid AJAX errors - it's only necessary where you've both enabled Automatically save as draft when paging, previewing, and when there are validation errors, and are using a confirmation type like inline, that still uses AJAX to submit the form when there are no validation errors.

Troubleshooting install of webform external libraries: (Jan 2020)

Follow these instructions:

If you get a composer SSL error, follow these instructions.

(specifically, you need to set openssl.cafile in php.ini)

SMTP Authentication Support (smtp)

d.o. page


Send mail to a remote SMTP server (e.g. a transactional email provider like Postmark).  

You should put your authentication details in settings.php, rather than files you commit to the repo, for security.  

To get this to work - it was sending tests but nothing else - it seemed I needed to switch to a commit on the dev branch:

"drupal/smtp": "dev-1.x#3d354b3911409c9b11716bf2104498fb431eea72"

(note to self: see SM notes) 

Entity Embed (entity_embed)

d.o. page

Lets you insert any entity type (supposedly) via the WYSIWYG editor, and like images you can set alignment etc.  It creates a toolbar button that can be added to the toolbar configuration in 'Text formats and editors'.  The strings needed can be pretty long - e.g. 

<drupal-entity data-embed-button="snippet" data-entity-embed-display="entity_reference:entity_reference_entity_id" data-entity-type="snippet" data-entity-uuid="216914ab-1bc2-4a73-975b-dc1de79e849a"></drupal-entity>

CKEditor Custom Config (ckeditor_config)

d.o. page

I've not actually used this but I adapted it's code to enforce a configuration setting (I wanted to remove the HTML dom elements that are shown in the status bar).

The module allows you to supply your configuration using the UI.

Twig VarDumper (twig_vardumper)

d.o. page


Much faster than using kint, with colour coding, and still works nicely within narrow DOM elements.
Make sure you install using composer, as it has symfony dependencies.

Enabling twig debugging in the first place:

Also make sure you've activated twig debugging properly (including enabling the settings.local.php file in settings.php, and adding the debug setting to
Potential gotcha - settings.local.php needs to be in /sites/default (or whichever), not just /sites/
If Twig debugging isn't enabled, the symptom is you don't see any output for the dump() commands.

Usage Tip:

- Hover over the keys and you get a tooltip that says 'Public method','Protected property' etc.

Flippy (flippy)

d.o. page

Add Next/previous links to node view for specific content types - e.g. image gallery.  Powerful - supports: next/last, random link, you can specify exact text used etc.  Currently a dev version in D8.

Setup: activate for a content type in the 'Edit' tab (NOT manage display). Once Flippy is active, Manage Display tab will have a pager field so you can reposition the links relative to other fields on the page (e.g. above or below image).

Prepopulate (prepopulate)

d.o. page

Allows you to prefill form fields by supplying values in a query string.  Syntax (also in readme) Useful for bookmarklets.  D8 alpha version.

Token (token)

d.o. page


Adds a user interface for browsing tokens (the tags you can insert into various fields).

General Data Protection Regulation (gdpr)

d.o. page

Not recommended

Couldn't install either alpha branch (8.1 or 8.2on Debian Stretch (9.5) wants php7.1-zip which doesn't seem to be available.  
Got error about missing checklistapi module after uninstall and had to remove from DB manually

Nagios (nagios)

d.o. page

Generate customisable Nagios reports for things like module updates, cron not running etc.  

The D8 version is now compatible with NRPE because there's a Drush command to generate the Nagios string. 

Twig Extensions (twig_extensions)

d.o. page

Text filters, array and date manipulation.

(haven't tried this yet)

Custom Add Another (custom_add_another)

d.o. page


The default button text for 'unlimited' fields where you can add multiple items is "Add another item".

You might want to change this.

This module lets you do it per field bundle - there are a couple of text options (for add and remove) added to the field edit screen.

NB: this is not the 'Save and add another' button for an entire content type, just the one that handles the javascript for individual fields with multiple entries.

Warden (warden)

d.o. page

A fork of the System Status module, but with a Symfony app for you to install to act as a server, rather than using a paid third-party service.  Monitor core/module update status of multiple Drupal sites.  If you're familiar with Nagios and NRPE, it's a little bit like that, but for Drupal modules, and more lightweight.  Note the server uses MongoDB, so you need to install that, plus the PHP extension, and it communicates with a public key-pair, though it should set that up itself.  

Field Tools (field_tools)

d.o. page



  • /admin/reports/fields/tools - new Tools tab contains a more detailed field list that lists the instances (e.g. entities/content types) where each field is in use
  • editing individual fields in a content type - new Clone tab which will let you copy it to other Bundles (it also copies form and view display options)
  • Manage Fields page of a content type - new Clone tab where you can selectively clone multiple:
    • fields
    • displays
    • copy display settings


CSS Editor (css_editor)

d.o. page


If you only need a small amount of CSS, or want users to be able to directly edit it through the admin UI rather than creating a theme or module.

Caveat: doesn't work for admin themes (at least on D7)

Required by role (required_by_role)

d.o. page


Set required fields more precisely.

How to verify it it's in use on any fields (so you can remove it if desired)

I wanted to upgrade a site to D10 and there was a dependency from required_by_role on required_api, which was not yet D10 compatible. I wasn't sure if I was even using required_by_role on any fields - turns out I wasn't. There's no admin UI page overview which shows it's use, but you can just run a simple SQL query:

select * from config where data like "%required_by_role%";

(the config table is where all your field settings are stored).
Entity Access Audit (entity_access_audit)

d.o. page

This is a way of visualising - via grids of ticks and crosses - which roles have access to different operations on different entities.

Introductory blog post

Captcha (captcha)

d.o. page


Framework for using (many) different types of captchas on forms such as user_registration.
e.g. try 'reCAPTCHA' which is Google's "I am not a robot" captcha.  Personal experience is that's much better at preventing spam than the standard "image" one.

Tested with D7.

Rabbit hole (rabbit_hole)

d.o. page

Lets you set display, access denied, redirect or programmatic accessing for direct access to nodes.

However, note that includes both /node/xxx and the node alias, i.e. you can't just use it to restrict numeric URLs, the human friendly ones will get blocked too - so restrict_node_page_view might be more appropriate.

There's a series of submodules (such as rh_node) and without enabling them you won't see any options in the UI.
(look for the Rabbit Hole tab when editing nodes, for example).

Group (group)

d.o. page

Alternative to the Organic Groups module. Allows you to create groups - e.g. classes, subscriptions, multiple communities.  Drupal module of the week post. Blog post.  It is by all accounts solidly written, but I found the initial UI confusing (in a "so what do I do now?" way) - you probably need to watch the YouTube video to understand it.

Features (features)

d.o. page

Not recommended

Update: most people are now moving away from features. There is a Configuration Management initiative under discussion in Drupal 8.

Package up selected configuration for "features" (e.g. a blog or a photo gallery etc.) for reuse on other sites.  Not the same as the new D8 Config sync, which is for exchanging configs between different environments of the same site and requires a cloned DB sharing the same UUIDs.

Web Profiler (webprofiler)

d.o. page


Install the devel module first.  The profile is a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Features:

  • useful shortcuts (e.g. clear cache)
  • view info about current user, their role and permissions
  • server HTTP response
  • cache, DB and DOM loading performance
  • memory use
  • which blocks and views have been loaded

Tip: there are further reports ("collectors") you can turn on in the module preferences, and there's a shortcut to these from the menu in the first icon (Drupal logo). The toolbar is only a summary, all icons are clickable to view a full report. Each report is saved in the DB for later reading.

This module was ported from Symfony

@font-your-face (fontyourface)

d.o. page

Not recommended

For using typekit, google fonts etc.  But it's simpler to do web fonts manually in Twig templates/CSS.
D8 stable/mature - however it's confusing how you're meant to setup Typekit etc. and there are problems with uninstall it…  (there was an old D7 "typekit" module - deprecated).

28 Aug 2018: can't be uninstalled cleanly. The method described in #24 here works: if for example, you get an "The "font" entity type does not exist." message when running drush cr

Config Ignore (config_ignore)

d.o. page


Selectively ignore configuration entries during an import - e.g. site settings / the system.maintenance message.

Google Authenticator login (ga_login)

d.o. page


Use in conjunction with tfa to support OATH based HOTP/TOTP systems.

Nov 2022: No longer needed (i.e. uninstall it) when you upgrade to tfa 2.x for Drupal 9 and 10.

reCAPTCHA (recaptcha)

d.o. page


Use in conjunction with the Captcha module to prevent spam on forms.
As of Jan 2020, still ONLY supports v2 of Google's reCAPTCHA API (there's an active issue for v3 support)
There's also an option for non-js fallback.

Tested with D7 and D8.

Patch needed for AJAX forms (e.g. Webforms with AJAX support turned on) to stop the ReCAPTCHA UI disappearing when page is reloaded.

PDF Reader (pdf_reader)

d.o. page

Render a file field with one of several PDF readers.  Mixed success with pdf.js support - seems to force a full screen view.

IMCE (imce)

d.o. page

Adds a file browser to the CKEditor link dialog, so you can select files that have already been uploaded. Settings in Admin > Config > Media. In many cases will be better IA to add a dedicate file field to the content type and use that, or wait for the new media browser (currently being designed, follow the Drupal UX group.)

Module builder (module_builder)

d.o. page


Add a UI to easily create scaffolding for new modules (including hooks, plugins, permissions etc.) NB: first, you need to download drupal-code-builder from GitHub and place it in a /libraries top-level directory (see module builder's README.txt).   You can preview and edit the output files before writing to disk - and each module's configuration is saved  as a node, so you can add another hook etc. at a later date, regenerate the files and copy/paste the extra things you need. Video walkthrough.

CKEditorHeight (ckeditorheight)

d.o. page

Makes CKEditor fields respect the "rows" setting of the fields. (Has to be converted to pixels - there's a global setting, configured via a pixel factor and offset.)