Useful Drupal modules

Click on the module name for notes, comments, patches.
Recommendations (for and against) are my personal opinion only and may be out of date. Feel free to email with corrections/suggestions.

Why doesn't the table mention Drupal 9 or 10?

1. Nowadays, I try and use Drupal as little as possible. Specifically I do not recommend it for a new website. I'd also strongly caution you against choosing Drupal if you're at the beginning of your career and trying to learn web development (front / back / full stack) or just want to manage/maintain a website. More details why by email on request.

2. By February 2022 I'd updated all the sites I look after to Drupal 9 (experience: mixed). As of March 2023, a year later, none of them were fully ready for Drupal 10 (waiting on support for various modules). By 13 Nov 2023 (a week or two after D9 lost support) I had updated a couple of them.

Q: What's the Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade experience like? A: it's what I'd describe as "just bearable", slightly better than D8 to D9, though with plenty of things to still trip you up. There is still deprecated code that needs fixing in D10 modules, and policy changes mean odd things will break (be prepared to turn off Aggregate CSS/JS files if your themes stop working, and note that Drush launcher doesn't work with Drush 12...)

Admittedly the upgrade_status module is the best solution they could have come up with for tracking compatibility. Also watch out for a nasty session headers bug with redirect_after_login.

What about sites still running Drupal 7? In short I still recommend leaving them on Drupal 7 or moving to another platform entirely. My prediction was that Drupal will extend D7 support year after year (note that itself is still running D7). It's now been confirmed as 5 Jan 2025. There will have to be some sort of third-party long term support, because of the sheer volume of sites that are not being upgraded.

Your decision is really what specifically you think you will gain from Drupal 8/9/10 - often the answer will be not enough, and one of the main hassles - apart from converting each content type one at a time, and setting up a new theme, will be recreating all your views by hand, as views can't be automatically upgraded.

(134 modules in list)
Module name or machine name
Any text in the notes
Name D8 Sort descending Personally Tested Last Updated
PDF Reader (pdf_reader)

d.o. page

Render a file field with one of several PDF readers.  Mixed success with pdf.js support - seems to force a full screen view.

IMCE (imce)

d.o. page

Adds a file browser to the CKEditor link dialog, so you can select files that have already been uploaded. Settings in Admin > Config > Media. In many cases will be better IA to add a dedicate file field to the content type and use that, or wait for the new media browser (currently being designed, follow the Drupal UX group.)

Module builder (module_builder)

d.o. page


Add a UI to easily create scaffolding for new modules (including hooks, plugins, permissions etc.) NB: first, you need to download drupal-code-builder from GitHub and place it in a /libraries top-level directory (see module builder's README.txt).   You can preview and edit the output files before writing to disk - and each module's configuration is saved  as a node, so you can add another hook etc. at a later date, regenerate the files and copy/paste the extra things you need. Video walkthrough.

CKEditorHeight (ckeditorheight)

d.o. page

Makes CKEditor fields respect the "rows" setting of the fields. (Has to be converted to pixels - there's a global setting, configured via a pixel factor and offset.)

Role Delegation (role_delegation)

d.o. page

Ordinarily, if you grant a user "Administer Users", they can do everything *except* change the roles (they don't even see the checkboxes).  You could give them 'Administer Permissions', but that also allows them to do other things.  

This module lets you set which roles they are allowed to enable for a user.  Administrators still see the roles checkboxes in the usual place (below 'status' on /user/123/edit), but everyone  gets a new 'Roles' tab.  

Works with D8 but not updated since April 2016.


I'm not using any patches, but there are a couple RTBC-ed  the queue.


Simple OAuth (simple_oauth)

d.o. page

An implementation of  OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework RFC - based on a PHP League package.

User restrictions (user_restrictions)

d.o. page


Block registrations (wildcards on email address and username)

Useful if you're getting persistent spam registrations from certain domains.

Tested with D7.  This used to be in core in D6.​​​​​​​

AddToAny Share Buttons (addtoany)

d.o. page

Nice, clean, SVG sharing buttons. Project page says it's specifically optimised for Drupal.

Image Lazyloader (lazyloader)

d.o. page

Images are hidden until they scroll into view.  Can specify distance before loading is triggered, also placeholder image, loading GIF and any pages to be excluded.  There's been some Drupal 8 development but unclear how complete it is.

Memcache API and Integration (memcache)

d.o. page


Enable memcache_admin submodule to access stats page.

Requires the PECL PHP memcached module.   I've written a blog post explaining how to install this on Acquia Dev Desktop

Role Watchdog (role_watchdog)

d.o. page


Logs every time a role is changed. Users get a Role History tab and there's a notification feature. 

Should now work fine on D8, not personally tested it (earlier: 15 Sep 2018 - there's a dev branch, but when you install it complains about missing role entity, and drush updb does nothing) 

Serial Field (serial)

d.o. page


Creates a field with a serial number, so you can have the equivalent of a MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT field for a content type (if nodes are deleted the old serial number is not reused).

Although this only has a dev branch which hasn't had updates since April 2016, it does work in D8.

There's no direct migration path previous versions, but people have written their own migrations.

Check issue queue for patches - including:



Spambot (spambot)

d.o. page


Scans email addresses/usernames/IP addresses against the database and then blocks or deletes the accounts.
You can set the threshold - i.e. how many times an email address needs to be listed in the spam database before action is taken.
You can also have it scan your entire existing database, not just new users. (It does this via a configurable cron run.)

Tested with D7.

Pathauto (pathauto)

d.o. page


Generates URL aliases for new content automatically - using token-based patterns per content type - e.g. /reports/[node:title]

When you install this, the settings are in /admin/config/search/path – normally this page has no tabs, with this module you get Patterns, Settings, Bulk Generate, Delete Aliases). 

Contact Storage (contact_storage)

d.o. page


Store all contact form messages in the database (as an entity), rather than just emailing them.

Integrates with views, if you want a view of messages.

Messages are accessible (can be edited or deleted) at /admin/structure/contact/messages.

(May be useful considering From: address SPF/DMARC problem with contact forms, i.e. there may be cases where some emails aren't delivered.)

Flag (flag)

d.o. page


Handle favourites, reading lists, spam, friend lists etc.  Can be applied to any entity (nodes, users, comments etc.)  It appears as a clickable link. Can choose between page reload and AJAX when user toggles it.  Linked with views, and you can trigger events when flag count reaches a threshold.

String Overrides (stringoverrides)

d.o. page


Replace text on the site.

Allowed Formats (allowed_formats)

d.o. page


Control which text formats are available per field. (Often you'll want some fields to be simpler than others - e.g. you might want restrict everyone to a single format so they don't see a dropdown menu. 

You can hide the 'About text formats' link and the list of available HTML tags, again per field, in the Form Display tab using the widget icon.

Double Field (double_field)

d.o. page


Store a pair of fields together (numbers and text, boolean, email, telephone, Url).  As normal you can specify the quantity of double fields per entity, or allow an unlimited number.

Note: D7 version doesn't support 'date'.

Don't use it for:

  • links - you might have one field for the URL and one for the description, but the display widget won't let you merge them into a clickable link.  That's what the dedicated link field type is for.
Upgrade Status (for Drupal 9) (upgrade_status)

d.o. page


Very useful module for scanning installed modules (including your own custom code) for compatibility issues - gives a detailed report of necessary fixes.

NB: scanning using the UI (rather than Drush) won't work on a dev server without a valid SSL certificate.

Entityqueue (entityqueue)

d.o. page

Build a custom list of nodes. The setup is via Admin > Structure. Currently D8 alpha.

Paragraphs (paragraphs)

d.o. page

For those familiar with WordPress, this is the equivalent of the ACF repeater field.  You can create paragraph types, which are collections of one or more fields, and the user can add as many of them as they like.  So you could have distinct paragraph styles, e.g. with images aligned in a certain way, or a page consisting of parallax backgrounds etc.

Structure Sync (structure_sync)

d.o. page


Lets you synchronise taxonomies, custom blocks and menus.  

Important: always double check after importing if menu / block etc. has been correctly updated - if not, you may need to use a more forceful option.

Permissions Filter (permissions_filter)

d.o. page


The admin permissions page can get pretty long. 

This lets you narrow it down by typing permission names into a text field.

Address (address)

d.o. page

Used to be called addressfield.  Adds one dependency - commerceguys/addressing.

This is a bundle of address fields, the correct combinations are shown depending on which country the user selects via a dropdown.
You can configure which countries are allowed per field instance.
To set the default, use the Manage Form Display tab.

It validates postcodes are in the correct format. 

Also supports 'zones' (groups of countries/subdivisions) for shipping/tax purposes.

Views taxonomy term name into ID (views_taxonomy_term_name_into_id)

d.o. page

Allows you to use /my-view/foo instead of /my-view/123 when adding a contextual filter based on taxonomy terms

Username policy (username_policy)

d.o. page

This gives you a single box where you can enter tokens to form the default username.

It seems to work, but in D7 the patterns section ("Only use the below pattern elements") was empty. This is supposedly because there's a dependency on the 'profile' module, except profile doesn't exist in D7 (I tried profile2 instead but it made no difference) and profile2 doesn't exist in D8.

auto_username displays tokens OK and is more powerful / has more settings including customise at what point names are truncated, etc.

Masquerade (masquerade)

d.o. page


Allows you to browse the site as another user (to see what they see) and then quickly switch back again.  A general Drupal recommendation is to create test accounts for each of your roles, so this is useful for testing them.  (As per notes, don't use it for anonymous access, just log out.)  Replacement for 'Switch User'.

Patch and known bug:

Metatag (metatag)

d.o. page


This comes with a whole series of modules, including metatag_verification that will allow you to insert a google-site-verification tab. Instructions

How to add it to a content type/bundle:

  • You need to add the metatag field to the content type and position it on the form (it'll display as a disclosure triangle in the sidebar)
  • You also need to configure the level of available options at /admin/config/search/metatag/settings
Datetime Range (datetime_range)

d.o. page


Now in core, but you need to enable it.

Adds an 'all-day' option.

Field group (field_group)

d.o. page


Add group' button to /admin/config/people/accounts/form-display (or any other form), can then group fields inside fieldset/other HTML wrappers.  


Types of groups:

  • Fieldsets
  • Horizontal tabs
  • Vertical tabs
  • Details
  • Accordions
  • Divs
  • HTML elements

In theory can use this to add <div>s with css styles such as flexbox, like webform uses, but CSS to support that needs to be present on the page.

Raven (raven)

d.o. page


This module logs events and sends them to Sentry.  Sentry is an open source application you can self-install, but also a free/paid SaaS version.

For a content management framework as complex as Drupal it's worth logging errors.


  • In Raven config, recommend not logging debug and info messages, but do select Enable fatal error handler and Enable stacktraces.
  • You can enable the javascript error handler as well, but personally I only use PHP.

Drupal benefits:

  • logs the Drupal uid
  • logs referrer URLs
  • you can tag versions (e.g. commits) as well as different environments
  • you get a full breakdown of AJAX requests


Views infinite scroll (views_infinite_scroll)

d.o. page

  • supports both a 'Load more' button and automated load
  • need to turn AJAX on for the view
  • patch needed to support back button (adds a preserve history option to settings, which then needs to be turned on)
Twig Tweak (twig_tweak)

d.o. page

Adds Twig syntax to insert views, view results, regions, entities (e.g. nodes, blocks, webforms), menus, images, image styles, tokens, breadcrumbs, messages, contextual links and more.